전체 71,655 건 1/7166페이지
번호 | 성명 | 학과명 | 구분 | 연구/업적 |
71655 | 이선기 | 환경공학과 | 전문학술논문 | Biofouling evolution driven by autoinducer-2 quorum sensing in reverse osmosis (RO) for water reclamation(),「Desalination」,제597권(집), PP.118357~, Elsevior, 2025. |
71654 | 최재혁 | 기관시스템공학부 | 전문학술논문 | Fabrication of NiCu bimetallic catalyst for ammonia oxidation reaction using liquid-phase plasma process: Incorporation of Cu into Ni (Oxy) hydroxide(),「International Journal of Hydrogen Energy」,제105권(집), PP.~, Elsevier, 2025. |
71653 | 이승효 | 해양신소재융합공학과 | 전문학술논문 | Fabrication of NiCu bimetallic catalyst for ammonia oxidation reaction using liquid-phase plasma process: Incorporation of Cu into Ni (Oxy) hydroxide(),「International Journal of Hydrogen Energy」,제105권(집), PP.~, Elsevier, 2025. |
71652 | 조원배 | 전자전기정보공학부 | 전문학술논문 | A semipermanently stable, photocrosslinkable graphene colloid: A freshstrategy for fabricating polymer nanocomposites(),「Composites Part A - Applied Science and Manufacturing」,제190권(집), PP.108693~, Elsevier, 2025. |
71651 | 남현정 | 해운경영학부 | 전문학술논문 | Does international trade moderate economic development’s impact on income inequality in the EU?(),「JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS INSTITUTIONS & MONEY」,제99권(집), PP.~, ELSEVIER, 2025. |
71650 | 남현정 | 해운경영학부 | 전문학술논문 | Do institutional quality and trade openness enhance the role of financial openness in Eastern European financial development?(),「Global Finance Journal」,제64권(집), PP.~, Elsevier, 2025. |
71649 | 채규정 | 환경공학과 | 전문학술논문 | Is the bioelectrochemical system ready for industrial commercialization?(),「JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES」,제629권(집), PP.236001~, ELSEVIER, 2025. |
71648 | 남종호 | 조선해양시스템공학부 | 전문학술논문 | Performance-based fire and evacuation analysis for real-time response to shipboard fire incidents(),「Ocean Engineering」,제318권(집), PP.1~13, Elsevier, 2025. |
71647 | 김윤해 | 해양신소재융합공학과 | 전문학술논문 | Geometric effects on the fracture toughness and delamination behaviors of carbon fiber/polyetherketoneketone composites with open holes and bolted joints(),「Thin-Walled Structures」,제210권(집), PP.1~12, Elsevier, 2025. |
71646 | 안형수 | 전자전기정보공학부 | 전문학술논문 | Realization of a 2H-Si microneedle with an ultrafast growth rate of 6.7 × 10^4 A·s^-1(),「SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY」,제권(집), PP.~, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2025. |
담당자 : 오세연 전화 : 051-410-5431[산학협력단] 업데이트 : 2019-12-05
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