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KMOU Office of International Affairs


Notice(Admissions & GKS)

메인페이지 AdmissionsNotice(Admissions & GKS)

Notice(Admissions & GKS)

Notice(Admissions) 게시판의 작성자 권정향씨가 2024.09.19에 등록한 [2025 GKS University Track] Application Guideline for KMOU (Undergraduate)의 상세페이지입니다.
[2025 GKS University Track] Application Guideline for KMOU (Undergraduate)
작성자 The Office of International Affairs 등록일 2024.09.19
1. Read the attached file "1. 2025 GKS-U Application Guideline.pdf" first.

2.  Read the attached file "2. 2025 GKS-U Overview of University(Korea Maritime & Ocean Univ.).pdf", and decide whether you will apply to KMOU.

3. If you decide to apply to KMOU, search for your major in the attached file "3. 2025 GKS-U University Available Departments(Korea Maritime & Ocean Univ.).xlsx" and select your major from the list.

4. Fill out the Application Form "4. 2025 GKS-U Application Forms.docx", and submit required documents to the Office of International Affairs, KMOU. 

The Deadline of GKS Program Application is 2024.10.28. (Mon) 18:00 KST.

For more details or inquiries, please send an email to iadm@kmou.ac.kr. 

The Office of International Affairs

Korea Maritime & Ocean University


담당자 : 조아영(JOH, Ah Young) 전화 : +82-51-410-4774[Office of International Affairs] 업데이트 : 2020-05-29

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